Winter solstices, December 21st 2010 - Vetrarsólstöður 21. desmeber 2010

The following video is based on 1000 photographs that I took on top of Perlan yesterday December 21st this year’s shortest day (Winter solstices). I started at 10AM and continued until 16PM. Unfortunately, the winds were high which causes a slight flicker.  In addition the titles for some reason did not come out right. 

Meðfylgjandi myndband byggir á 1000 ljósmyndum sem ég tók ofan af Perlunni á vetrarsólstöðum í gær föstudaginn 21. desember. Mikill vindur olli titringi á vélinni sem veldur smá flökti en það er samt fallegt að sjá sólina hnita þennan stutta buga á þessum stysta degi ársins. Ég byrjaði 10 um morguninn eftir að hafa myndað sólmyrkvann og var að til 4 síðdegis. Af einhverjum sökum brenglaðist titillinn.





Tók þátt í ljósafoss göngunni í dag og bjót til þetta myndband. Það er ekki í fullri upplauns hér..



Nýtt myndband

Er að fikta við time laps myndatöku og tók þessar myndir af sólsetrinu í dag og bjó til kvikmynd.Því miður dó rafhlaðna áður en myndatöku var lokið. Þetta er ein mynd á 10 sek set í filmu með einni mynd á 6 sek.


Two good hikes - Tvær góða vetrargöngur

I have posted some photos in the albume here from my hikes the past two weekends....

Ég hef sett nokkrar myndirfrá göngum síðust helga í albúmið hér við hliðina...

01.12.2010 The bike trip next summer – Hjólaferðin næsta sumar

Hjólatúrar 2009, 2010 og 2011Planning for next summer’s trip is well under way. The idea is to bike the interior and a part of NE-Iceland that I did not bike when I did the circle road in 2009. The map shows my route around Iceland in 2009 (green line), my trip around the western part of Iceland in 2010 (blue line) and the intended trip through the interior and back next summer (yellow line). The circle road was 1400 km, the west fjords 1100 km and I estimate that the trip next summer will be between 900-1000 km. This is however on mountain roads with unabridged glacial rivers and more extreme weather conditions. I will not be pulling the trailer but instead I will load all the gear on the bike. This means that I need to lose more weight than previously and this will also call for a stronger mountain bike. I am not sure if I will have time to do this in one go since my son will be joining me and he has a demanding schedule next summer. So we might do this in three legs. I have already started the preparations by hiking every weekend and swimming daily. In the past two weeks I have taken of 3-4 kg. Think I have another 20 kg to go.


Skipulagning fyrir hjólatúr næsta sumars er hafin. Nú er hugsunin að hjóla hálendið þ.e.a.s. hjóla norður Kjöl, síðan fyrir Melrakkasléttuna og til baka Sprengisand. Kortið sýnir leið mína hringinn sumarið 2009 (græna línan), Vestfirðina og Snæfellsnes í sumar (blá línan) og fyrirhugaða ferð næsta sumar (gula línan). Hringurinn var 1400 km, Vesturlandið 1100 km og hálendið og NA-land áætlað 900-1000 km. Þetta eru náttúrulega hálendisvegir með óbrúaðar jökulár og allra veðra von, sérstaklega fyrri og seinni part sumars.  Nú verður kerran góða ekki með í för heldur verður farangur allur borinn á hjólinu. Þetta þýðir að ég verð að vera léttari í byrjun ferðar en í hinum tveimur auk þess sem ég verð að fá mér kröftugt fjallahjól.  Líklega geri ég þetta ekki í einum rykk þar sem sonur minn kemur með og hann er nokkuð önnum kafinn í vinnu og öðru í sumar. Líklega verða þetta tveir til þrír leggir t.d. Kjölur svo Melrakkasléttan og síðan Sprengisandur. Þetta skýrist þó þegar fram líða stundir. Ég er þegar byrjaður að koma mér í form. Búinn að ganga á fjöll undanfarnar helgar og farinn að synda daglega enda 3-4 kg farin og þá eru bara 20 kg eftir. Gæti verið erfið jól.

The last day of biking was a good one – Síðasti dagur ferðar var góður

The last day of biking was a good one. We woke up early and had the best breakfast of the trip. In fact I want to state that this is the best breakfast I have had in any Icelandic hotel and I have had breakfast in most of them being a guide in the...

We made it! – Okkur tókst það

This fantastic bike trip has come to an end. At 4:30 PM I reached the spot where I started from more than two weeks ago. In these two weeks I have biked 1100 km of Iceland’s roughest roads and highest mountain passes. My friend Larus biked close...

Finally the weather works with us – Loks blása vindar okkur í vil

We woke up to a lovely day. The sun was shining and the wind had come down. It was a little in our face the first 10 km but after that we got good winds in our backs which carried us along the southern margin of Snæfellsnes peninsula. We mad brief stops...

Journey to the Centre of the Earth – Ferðin að iðrum jarðar

I started the day by going to the dentist in Ólafsvík. I lost a filling the other day and the tooth was bothering me. I return to my brothers house around noon and had some of Láras fantastic fish soup for lunch. We started our trip around 13:00. This...

Finally the wind was with us – Loksins smá meðbyr

We woke up around 9, had a good breakfast packed our gear and headed out to the road. We started around 11:30. It was cold and wet but the wind was in our back. Today we went through a fantastic landscape with the alpine mountains of Snaefellsnes all...

Screaming wind but mostly in our back – Öskrandi vindur en aðallega í bakið

We woke up to a strong NE wind 15-20 m/s. It was mostly a tailwind but as the road wound its way towards Stykkishólmur we occasionally got strong side wind. At times the wind was gusting up to 35-30 m/s. All of us were blown of the road several times but...

When I come home to Búðardal – Er ég kem heim í Búðardal

The title of this blog is a line from a pop song which was popular in Iceland som 30 years ago. Well I am in Budardalur after a good ride from Bjarklaundur. We did the 62 km in 4 hours, only on mountain pass on the way which was 240 m.a.s.l. Until we got...

The trips statistics so far – ferðin hingað til

I have today biked 697,73 km and have still 397 to do thus making the total trip 1095 km Mér reiknast til að ég sé búinn að hjóla 697,73 km og eigi eftir 397 km (fyrir Snæfellsnes) þannig í það heila verði ferðin 1095

A day of rest at Bjarkalundur - Hvíldardagur í Bjarkalundi

We decided take one day of rest here in Bjarkalundur. We will continuo tomorrow Ákváðum að taka dags hvíld í Bjarkalundi og hjóla áfram á morgun.

What is the difference between a hill and mountain pass? – Hver er munurinn á heiði og háls? (4. 06.10)

As I stated in my last blog it was a cold and beaten group that woke up this morning in the middle of Vattarfjordur (which could be middle of nowhere). The wind was still strong but now it was also raining. We took down camp, made coffee and some oatmeal...

Beaten by the wind – Vindurinn hefur vinninginn (3.06.10)

We started our bike ride at 11 from Rauðsdal where we had staid over night. MaryAnne (photo) joined us for her first day. Little did she know what the day had in stored for her. It was tough riding the bikes into Vantsfjord. The wind was blowing hard...

The day of the mountain passes – Dagur heiðana

Today we crossed the two highest mountain passes of the trip. The first was Hrafnseyrarheiði 570 m.a.s.l. and it took us 2 hours to climb from sea level to the highest point. The other one was Dynjandisheiði 520 m.a.s.l. but a much longer one. An...

A day off at Þingeyri - Frídagur á Þingeyri

We are taking the day off here at Þingeyri due to weather. We will continoue tomorrow and changes the route a little to make up for the time lost. Við ákváðum að taka frí í dag á Þingeyrir vegna veðurs. Höldum áfram á morgun en sleppum Arnarfirði og...

Two pearls at Ísafjarðardjúp - Tvær perlur við Djúp

One of the exciting thing about travelling around Iceland (especially on a bike) is discovering new sites. I have often travelled around the Vestfjords in the past years but I am still discovering new and interesting things. I would like to mention two...

We are at Þingeyri - Erum komin á Þingeyri

Just a short blog today. It was a fabulous day but it is getting late and I am tired and it could be a long day ahead of us tomorrow. One nice visit today was to the Arctic Fox Centre at Súðavík. I will definitely write more on that tomorrow or the next...

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