Day 4. Monday 11th of July: Kiðagil a day of rest

I called the road authorities this morning they have not finished clearing the snow of the northern part of the Sprengisandur route (which they had intended to do this weekend). They sent the snow plows up today (they went past our hotel this morning on the way up to the highlands). We therefore decided to wait one day here so we would not need to cross long snow banks on our bikes.  We will continue our biking tomorrow.  I will upload some pictures today from our travel across Kjölur. I had decided to bike to Nýjadal in two days but will do it in three since we need to bike from the hotel some 25 km to the starting point and we are making a climb of 800 meters the first day. If the road is rough then that will take some time. One always has to allow for time to tent and cook before the nights rest.  Since the phone concection is not as good as I had hoped up in the mountains I am not sure when I will be able to post my next blog. But eventually they will all make it.

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